2 Common Ways To Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction By Best Sexologist In Bhopal

In the event that you or any of your loved one has opted for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal, it is certain to feel overwhelmed, on edge, or discouraged. However, in the event that you have knowledge about what is erectile dysfunction and how it is diagnosed, a little of your worries may vanish for sure.

With the end goal to provide you with a general idea on erectile dysfunction and its diagnosis, this post has been written. We are quite certain that, after going through this post, you will feel more confident. Let us start…

So, What is Erectile Dysfunction?

“In simple words, if you are not being able to have or maintain an erection that is required to have penetrative sex with your partner, you may be suffering from erectile dysfunction”, states sexologists, offering Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal. The reason behind erectile dysfunction can be psychological, physical, or both. It is very imperative to figure out the underlying reason for erectile dysfunction, so that it can be treated accordingly.

How is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

Below are some ways, which are used by the sexologists, to diagnose Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal:

1. Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT) Stamp Test

If researches are to be believed, normal man experiences three to five erections when they are in sleep every night, and the erection lasts for 25 to 35 minutes. Getting erections in sleep can be an indicator for a man that his reproductive system is functioning properly. If you are suffering from ED, you may not get night-time erections in sleep. If you are not certain about getting erections in sleep, sexologist, offering Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal, may recommend you to go through a test, termed as, Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT) Stamp Test.

2. Labs and Tests

The sexologist, offering Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal, may ask you a couple of questions regarding your health, sex life, and may also conduct a physical exam. This is important to figure out the underlying reason for ED, so that you can get the most effective Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bhopal.

Some other ways to diagnose erectile dysfunction includes, but not limited to, blood test, urine test, mental health evaluation, imaging, and so forth.
